

Hello people, good day to you all! 😊
This year is coming to an end and it has been a great learning experience, personally !

'Depression' is the keyword I heard often this year. Some well known  people I know succumbed to it, some suffered. Yesterday, again I learnt about another suicide due to depression.
RIP #Jonghyun

So this post is me expressing that depression is that point, I think, where one is faced to take a life changing decision. It is when one feels out of sync with the world!
Some are hyper aware while some take it as just another phase!
Suicide due to depression is very much preventable coz the ones suffering only need a reminder. A reminder of their own strength and our acceptance. ✌️


She stared down, down from the top
She saw, them looking up, up at her
Some or other emotion sparkling in their eyes
What was it she wondered
about this pedestal she stood on,
Wasn't it her who choose it
Maybe, maybe, she can't remember!
Wasn't it her who believed
That it is liberating up in here
Unburdened, soaring, at peace!

But suddenly she feels at loss
Her limbs shook, trembling
On that precipice!
She searched the eyes below
For what? She didn't know!
She couldn't see!
All she felt was gravity
pulling her down!
This wasn't how it was supposed to be!
This wasn't what she was taught!
In her panic, she jumped
Down, down, down she went..

"It's time to spread your wings! "
Voices firm, echoed from depths!
And that's how she was saved!



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