Stay Gold

Well, I tried to put my relation with silence over time in words here!🙃

Stay Gold

In her younger days
she was taught quite often
'silence is golden'
so she imagined silence
as an object sturdy, precious and golden
meant to be protected at any cost!

But it was only quite later
did she realise
that silence was nothing
but an elastic thin transparent layer
a balloon, meant to be filled
with words, absolutely golden..

Only later did she realise
that there was much to listen
as a lot was already being said
mindless musings and hurried ramblings
genius thesis and profound analysis..
and that silence was fragile
easily pricked, easily deflated
and yet she let
many balloons of silence inflate 
and float up in the air beside her
filled with newly extracted gold..

So now finally she knows
that it's not the balloon
that is of value
but the air it contains..
that silence is but a filter
that separates her valuables
from the rest..
Sometimes, you see
she finds her gold
just a needle prick away!

Postface : 
Well, words are my golden treasure, I see to it that they do get to stay gold,forever eternally gold!💛


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