Inspired anew

I am far from being a movie enthusiast!
But I do have a liking for stories and art.
So when I found Makoto Shinkai's work, well wasn't exactly expecting much!
But must say I was pleasantly surprised.. :)

Inspired anew.

Back when I was little,
held this strange fascination,
To seek this thing
known "Inspiration"!
"Cerca trova", the phrase cant
long before I knew
what it meant!
In the books I read, 
In the art I saw,
In my not-so-vivid Dreams , 
Within my frightful Heart,
even in the silly little chats,
giving chase..
And every time,
every single time
I would say "Inspiring"
I knew my search 
has come to an end!
Or so I thought!
This ever eluding search of mine,
brought me to his work so fine
Those quiet ordinary tales shine
"See.Seek" Inspiration signs!


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