Crescent Moon

Just another night within eternity 

on this revolving journey

with forgotten beginning 

and an uncertain end

borrowed light, in phases lend

only to be returned 

with melancholic thoughts,

feverish dreams 

as interest

those gazes pierce

miles and miles at stretch

Every inch of the dark traversed,

heavily taxed

the light dimmed

though the interest collected

piles up, in heaps and bounds

but the stars never need know

they only understand light, no more

but the profits are ever earned 

after getting to know 

the dark

only after the light 

emphasize and isolate the shadows

the crescent knows no twinkle

only a curvy smile, all too knowing!


Images used does not belong to me. Used solely for aesthetic purpose, courtesy google search.

Credit to the actual owner. No copyright infringement intended. 


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