
So many years went by
with me living ignorant
my heart continues 
piecing together
my experiences 
as memory fragments
weaving in the backdrop..
a starting overture
to a cadence in the canon 
legato and staccato
but the dissonance
is what I felt the most
strong, powerful,
so loud I could hear no more
but read I could and so I did 
again and again
Until all that remain
was mute calm
deep under the ocean..
the same ocean
which on surface
was caught up in a storm
the same ocean
whose floor is unseen 
even from where am now
alike a crescendo in reverse
I keep falling flat
its a little funny now 
you know, to find
such sarcasm in awareness
the accent however, remains pitch perfect!

P.S. Had this urge to use musical terms as context for this post!

Musical terms:-

1. Overture : An overture is a piece of music for the orchestra to play at the beginning of an opera or ballet. The word comes from the French word for "opening" because it "opens" the show

2.Cadence :In music theory, a cadence is a two-chord progression at the end of a phrase in music. You can think of a phrase as a complete musical thought with the cadence being the end of that musical thought

3. Canon : In music, a canon is a contrapuntal compositional technique that employs a melody with one or more imitations of the melody played after a given duration. The initial melody is called the leader, while the imitative melody, which is played in a different voice, is called the follower.

4.Legato. Indicates musical notes are to be played or sung smoothly and connected.

5.Staccato. Signifies a note of shortened duration or detached

6.(dissonance) the impression of tension or clash  experienced by a listener when certain combinations of tones or notes are sounded together.


Images used does not belong to me. Used solely for aesthetic purpose, courtesy google search.

Credit to the actual owner. No copyright infringement intended. 


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