
Positive thoughts
Sincere words
Considerate actions
and other such blessings
these days, they seem 
so difficult to discern..
Why do they appear
always shrouded
in doubts and mystery
wrapped up in one 
or other conspiracy
as if all that exists
is a swamp, murky
forbidding and sinister
wherein no lotus ever blooms
and no sunlight ever reaches
while a quicksand hides
in perfect sight
awaiting to engulf 
anything it touches
as a whole..

Here comes the rain, again
stirring the mix
concocting again
a primordial soup, are we?
Positive thoughts
Sincere words
Considerate actions
and other such blessings
are still hard to discern
though that doesn't mean 
they don't exist in the mix
wherein the lotus shall bloom
once again 
the dew sliding off its surface
washing away the shrouding mist
as a life to be born anew 
needs not only soil,
water and air
but also 
considerable time to grow
and a right season to flourish..

- Krutika Tawde


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