
Shivers run down her spine
she felt Fear, like vines
runin wild in the thicket,
mute, unlike surrounding racket
"Coward" they taunt those jeers!
She ran holding back her tears!

Fear could see her rush

though unsure about the fuss!
Was it him or ambush
by so-called Fear-less moss!
"Bless the ignorant" he chuckles
In pursuit of a heart deemed fickle!

How long has she been running?

His presence resolute, a constant
"You still giving chase huh!" she exclaims
"Brave, you know me, I follow all the same"
Her wings, silver, overspread
as white snow, now unconcealed!

Brushing her tears aside she says

"Thanks for the company so far,
my friend, but its time to part."
She continues her journey atop
"Till we meet again" he takes the drop.


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