Yeah I saw the rain fall

Yeah I saw the rain fall 
swift and steady.. 
against the concrete wall,
like a graffiti artist, 
spraying a watery paint!!

Yeah I saw the rain fall 
swift and steady... 
Even tough rocks, 
crack and spall, 
dissolving into a soggy mud
forming tiny brown pools all around!!

Yeah I saw the rain fall 
swift and steady... 
on the window panes,
doing a mini waterfall, 
weaving a web of silver drops 
like tiny translucent gems 
falling from the sky above!!

Yeah I saw the rain fall 
swift and steady... 
to me it seems,my heart-beats befall, 
compete with the ceaseless pitter-patter 
as I follow Nature's splendor manifesting before !!

Yeah I saw the rain fall 
swift and steady..


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